Optimal business processes with Lean Service

The quality of the direct interaction with the customer decides on success or failure within the service industry. Excellent service, high quality advice and sufficient time for customer care are decisive success factors for differentiating against the competition. At the same time, it is important to ensure optimal profitability. This is a difficult balancing act: How do you satisfy your customers optimally at all times without generating unnecessary expenses?

The time employees can spend in direct customer interaction rarely exceeds 50%. Valuable working time is often lost due to sub-optimal business processes, too many administrative tasks or high idle times during periods of low demand.

We support you in developing optimal processes that focus on your customers and use your resources in the best possible way.

Achieve more with the same effort

More time for essentials

Together we will find ways to create added value for you and your customers.

Together we achieve:

  • Standardized processes, which at the same time leave flexibility for individual customer service

  • Reliable customer processes that ideally support your service commitments

  • The improvement of your administrative processes

  • Service improvements for your customers by minimizing waiting times

  • An optimized use of manpower in consideration of varying customer demand

  • A customer-oriented design of your infrastructure ( counters, signage systems, IT ) to improve the process flow


We are glad to support you developing efficient business processes that increase your performance and quality.